Welcome to Bliss Permeated Mother

A story of luscious aliveness

Firsts are both easy and hard. First baby. First birth. First blog post.

So where do I start?

For me, the journey into motherhood was one of summoning strength I didn't know I had…but secretly suspected was mine all along. 

I got the idea for this Bliss Permeated space when I was 8 months pregnant. I felt anticipation building and everything literally ripening within me. I was a moon getting fuller by the day.

I started this first post about a week out from my first child's "due date."

Here's what I wrote: 

"Yep, I’m in the full moon time of pregnancy.

Since January, I’ve been planning a natural home birth. And even in 2022, I’m amazed by how few holistic, spiritual, and naturally-minded resources exist for mamas to help them through the pregnancy and birth journey.

So welcome. I’m truly honoured that you’re here.

It’s my intention that Bliss Permeated Mother holds you.

Anandamayi Ma was a 20th century saint who represented the Divine Mother for many. When she walked, it was said she was like a tree moving. 'Anandamayi Ma' translates into English as 'Bliss Permeated Mother'… three words when put together fill me with peaceful joy.

Who am I?

My name’s Elyssa (“uh-lee-sa”): friend, mother, yogi, writer, intuitive, wholehearted fan of divine mother are some of the roles I play.

That this is a space for you to feel nourished, seen, inspired, and ignited on your journey with motherhood, parenting, childhood, and anywhere in between.

The story of Bliss Permeated Mother isn’t written yet, but here are some seeds that I’ve been planting (in terms of what you can expect as this garden grows):

  • Resources that have helped me through pregnancy and birth, from meditation to affirmation to supplementation (note: nothing on this blog is medical advice)

  • Simple ways to uplift, shift, and protect your energy during this sacred time. But also all the time… because what's good for mama is good for everyone.

  • Intuitive messages and meditations to lift your spirit

  • Interviews with inspiring mothers, midwives, and teachers 

  • A gentle space to be held, nourished, and supported, like walking into a garden

  • Devotion to divine mother, aka the goddess. Some goddesses I enjoy connecting with are: Isis, Venus, Shakti, Durga, Mary Magdalene. 

Thank you for being here, divine friend."

Becoming a mother is the most beautiful gift I've ever experienced, and supporting other mamas is a service I hope to live up to with this blog.

It's written for the love of mamas, babies, fathers, and children.

This is for everyone to rest their hearts.

To nurture. Nourish. Restore.

Walk in and sit for a while.

Take a few breaths.

Return to your Self. 

I'll sign off with some words from Ma:

"A mother does what is good and beneficial for her child. She gives to her scion exactly what is needed, not more and not less. Her forgiveness knows no limits, this is why she is called MOTHER. If with deep faith, devotion and love you can exclaim: 'Mother, come to me, I cannot pass my days without you', rest assured, the Universal Mother will spread out Her arms and clasp you to Her heart. Don't look up to Her only as a mysterious refuge in your hour of distress. Keep in mind, She is always very, very near as the Force that guides your life. She Herself is the supreme refuge of every sentient being. With this conviction proceed. She will take the brunt of your burdens from your shoulders and make them light.”

Sri Anandamayi Ma


Roughly 60% of women stop breastfeeding earlier than they intend to. Here's how I kept going.